Cara mendapatkan serial number windows dengan notepad (bagian 1)
Mungkin jika sebelumnya Anda sering menganggap enteng yang namanya noepad, maka kini hilangkan pikiran-pikiran tersebut! Karena perlu Anda ketahui bahwa dengan notepad inilah Anda bisa menggunakannya sebagai pencari serial number/ produk key dari windows seseorang.
Mau tahu caranya?
Pertama, silahkan ketik script dibawah ini dulu pada notepad ya!
CONST SEARCH_KEY = “DigitalProductID” Dim arrSubKeys(4,1) Dim foundKeys Dim iValues, arrDPID foundKeys = Array() iValues = Array() arrSubKeys(0,0) = “Microsoft Windows Product Key” arrSubKeys(0,1) = “SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion” arrSubKeys(2,0) = “Microsoft Office XP” arrSubKeys(2,1) = “SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice10.0Registration” arrSubKeys(1,0) = “Microsoft Office 2003” arrSubKeys(1,1) = “SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice11.0Registration” arrSubKeys(3,0) = “Microsoft Office 2007” arrSubKeys(3,1) = “SOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice12.0Registration” arrSubKeys(4,0) = “Microsoft Exchange Product Key” arrSubKeys(4,1) = “SOFTWAREMicrosoftExchangeSetup” strComputer = “.” Set oReg=GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\” & strComputer & “rootdefault:StdRegProv”) For x = LBound(arrSubKeys, 1) To UBound(arrSubKeys, 1) oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, arrSubKeys(x,1), SEARCH_KEY, arrDPIDBytes If Not IsNull(arrDPIDBytes) Then call decodeKey(arrDPIDBytes, arrSubKeys(x,0)) Else oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, arrSubKeys(x,1), arrGUIDKeys If Not IsNull(arrGUIDKeys) Then For Each GUIDKey In arrGUIDKeys oReg.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, arrSubKeys(x,1) & “” & GUIDKey, SEARCH_KEY, arrDPIDBytes If Not IsNull(arrDPIDBytes) Then call decodeKey(arrDPIDBytes, arrSubKeys(x,0)) End If Next End If End If Next MsgBox(“Selesai”) Function decodeKey(iValues, strProduct) Dim arrDPID arrDPID = Array() For i = 52 to 66 ReDim Preserve arrDPID( UBound(arrDPID) + 1 ) arrDPID( UBound(arrDPID) ) = iValues(i) Next Dim arrChars arrChars = Array(“B”,”C”,”D”,”F”,”G”,”H”,”J”,”K”,”M”,”P”,”Q”,”R”,”T”,”V”,”W”,”X”,”Y”,”2″,”3″,”4″,”6″,”7″,”8″,”9″) For i = 24 To 0 Step -1 k = 0 For j = 14 To 0 Step -1 k = k * 256 Xor arrDPID(j) arrDPID(j) = Int(k / 24) k = k Mod 24 Next strProductKey = arrChars(k) & strProductKey If i Mod 5 = 0 And i <> 0 Then strProductKey = “-” & strProductKey Next ReDim Preserve foundKeys( UBound(foundKeys) + 1 ) foundKeys( UBound(foundKeys) ) = strProductKey strKey = UBound(foundKeys) MsgBox strProduct & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & foundKeys(strKey) End Function |
Nah, jika sudah diketikkan semuanya, lalu apa yang harus dilakukan ya? Mau tahu lebih lanjut? Silahkan baca di artikel selanjutnya di bagian 2. Ok!